
Aosong (Guangzhou) Electronics Co., Ltd. is the world's leading Humidity sensor manufacturer. Aosong provides highly reliable solutions that are not only easy to install and use, but also extremely cost-effective. Located in Guangzhou, China, Aosong has been supplying Humidity and Temperature (RH&T )Sensors, Condensation sensors, RH&T Transmitters, RH&T Monitors, Dew point Mirror Meter since 2003. With Aosong¡¯s capacitive humidity sensor, state-of-the-art test equipments, and our quality system which is certified to ISO 9001:2015, we can therefore offer all our products with a generous warranty, guaranteeing reliability and unique performance. Our philosophy is design and innovation through continuous R&D, thus maintaining our competitive edge through lower costs, lower energy consumption and consistent high quality.

Aosong Uitgelichte producten


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